On the way to Big 5 …

A friend said life is unpredictable and we only live on this planet for a short time. We came with nothing but bring happiness to some people and leave with nothing and bring sadness to others. So, live to the fullest and do our best to eat healthy and keep a happy mind. Easy?

Not for me, especially living in a city with daily exposure to pollution and toxins. Air quality is getting worse, and the food we consume is full of pesticides. Our healthy is taking a battering in the modern world. Agree?

I was telling my husband I don’t feel well. I feel my health condition is different compared to five years ago. Oh well, I am approaching the big 50, and menopause is around the corner. Hence, we seriously need to stay healthy for our young kids. How to start?

Most experts say, “You must eat this, you must not eat that……blah blah blah…” But none of them mention that we need to start by using the right equipment to prepare our meals, followed by the right food that’s suitable for our body.

What I have changed so far:

  1. Disposed all non-stick pans and replaced them with stainless steel and cast-iron pans.
  2. Disposed all plastics containers (for meat & vege) and utensils and replaced them with stainless steel, glass and wood.
  3. Changed kids’ lunch boxes to stainless steel.

Now my pantry:

  1. Replaced cooking sauce with gluten-free sauce.
  2. Using better-quality sea salt and freshly ground black pepper for cooking.
  3. Stopped buying canned food and ready mixed paste/sauces.
  4. Replaced seed oils with olive oil and avocado oil.
  5. Replaced flour with non-added chemical flour for bread baking and pastry.

There are four of us in my family. We have different preferences for food and have been diagnosed with different allergies. So, it is not easy for me to prepare meals for my family. Frankly speaking, I know nothing about nutrition. That’s when I started going to bookstore to purchase books and library to borrow books about food nutrition for Western and Asian cuisine. Besides that, I also signed up for an online Nutrition in Culinary course.

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